The local area is teaming with wildlife and birds; on the bay in Adrigole the sea birds come in at low tide and explore the shore looking for tasty morsels. Of course there are a variety Gulls and Terns, and the local pair of Swans; but also Turn Stones, Godwits, Curlew, Red Breasted Merganser, Mallard Ducks, Oyster Catchers, Grey Heron, Little Egret, and Cormorants. The stars of the water are the otters,very shy and a joy if seen; almost rivalled by the kingfisher that lives on the river that runs under Adrigole Bridge. In the bay waters there is an abundance of flat fish that tend to make a splashing display when water conditions are right. The seaweeds are varied and fresh, with many suitable for harvesting for personal consumption. On shore there is an abundance of hiding places for wildlife: foxes, weasels, and often deer - so road users do well to be wary at dusk. The area is popular with hikers and campers, walking along the roads that are decorated with wild roses, crocosmia, fuscia, wild flowers and rhododendrons, depending on the month. Oddly, Adrigole Bridge is recorded as one of the warmest places in Ireland.